Monday, April 27, 2015

Marquee A&W Letters!

Recently,  I've really, really been wanting to make marquee letters to stick up somewhere in my house. I thought it would be really cute to have A&W (My boyfriend's name being the W). However, I've had a really hard time finding the right font or material. Either the letters were a good size, RTF wood, but a really awful font or the wrong dimensions. Not to mention it needs to have room in the back for the wiring to sit. After a couple hours on pinterest and a few trips to craft stores, I decided on some paper mache letters from Ben Franklin.
Next I needed to figure out how I wanted to paint them. Pinterest was full of bunch of different ideas, which eventually led me to Kristen's Blog on Metallic Letters. While she made hers with black Apple Barrel Paint, I decided to speed things up with spray paint- which still worked out fine.

After the paint dried, I decided to poke holes in the letter every inch or so. After the holes were punched, I added a bit of a rust color and dry brushed it over some of the holes.

 All three letters, finally finished...

For the lights, I chose Philips 50ct LED Mini Sphere lights- in warm white.  It's a little hard to see, so I've added a filter to help it show better.  Overall, awesome project and super fun. Stuffing the wires into the back was a little challenging, but nothing a little hot glue can't fix! :)

Unknown Web Developer

Arielle loves creating and crafting. When she's not doing either, you'll find her on the soccer field.

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